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Reasons to Switch Secure Email Service Providers

To help provide high-quality patient care, healthcare providers frequently handle and share confidential patient information with medical professionals, patients, or third-party billing service providers. Using secure emails with Enterprise Guardian® is one way that healthcare providers can keep protected health information (PHI) safe from cyber or phishing attacks. Here are a few other reasons to switch to Enterprise Guardian’s secure email services:

Enhanced HIPAA Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires that identifying patient information, such as names, social security numbers, and insurance information, be protected. Sensitive data should be safeguarded against unauthorized access during transmission to maintain patient confidentiality. This includes the movement of data from one location to another, such as from a healthcare provider’s email to a patient’s inbox.

Hackers and scammers can easily access information from regular emails. With the help of secure email services, providers can use end-to-end encryption, which scrambles data so that only authorized users with the decryption key can access the information. Enterprise Guardian implements end-to-end encryption services to provide an added layer of security to email communications from healthcare providers. This verifies that they remain HIPAA compliant at all times.

Increased Patient Trust

Patients may be more likely to trust a healthcare provider that has a reputation for securing PHI. Knowing that their private information is safe from cyber-attacks provides a level of comfort and security. Patients can communicate quickly with other medical providers without worrying about their private information being accessed by unauthorized third parties. Providers who take advantage of secure email services show their commitment to protecting patient data. It may also reduce liability in the event of a data breach or other security incident.

Improved Communication

Healthcare providers often communicate with patients, other professionals, or insurance and billing personnel via email. They can use emails to discuss test results with patients or get a second opinion on a medical diagnosis from another healthcare provider. If they send unsecured emails, the information may be accessible to unauthorized parties. Enterprise Guardian’s secure email services allow users to send and receive emails with the knowledge that their data is safe.

Streamlined Processes

Using HIPAA-compliant email services can help streamline healthcare providers’ information exchange process. With the help of end-to-end encryption, access control features, and audit trails, healthcare staff can simplify their communication protocols. Audit control logs will keep track of login information or failed password attempts in the event that someone tries to access private patient information. Staff members do not need to take manual steps to protect emailed information — secure emails will handle everything for them. This may help to save time and allow them to focus on other key aspects of patient care.

Establish Secure Emails at Your Practice

Enterprise Guardian® offers secure email services for healthcare clinics of various sizes. Verifying that patient information is safe will help increase HIPAA compliance, improve audit efficiency, and enhance patient trust. Our team also offers advanced security features to facilitate seamless communications with other healthcare providers. Contact us today to learn more about our encryption packages.