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How Secure Emails Prevent Data Breaches in Healthcare Practices

Healthcare practices are required to take adequate precautions to prevent data breaches within their facilities. Secure email systems help accomplish this by protecting patient data like test results, social security numbers, and payment information. Here is more information about how secure emails prevent data breaches in healthcare settings:

Encryption Tools

To enhance email protection, healthcare clinics can implement end-to-end encryption services. End-to-end encryption involves scrambling information after it leaves the healthcare provider’s inbox. It is only decrypted once the appropriate recipient opens the email. If the email were to be intercepted by an unauthorized third party, they would be unable to decipher the message. Enterprise Guardian offers reliable encryption services for data traveling from one inbox to another.

Spam Blockers

Many online scammers use spam emails to access private information and sell it online. Unsolicited messages from scammers may look innocent, but once you click on any included links, they are able to steal personal data. Using spam blockers in your email server is a beneficial step to protecting private patient information. Spam blockers work to filter out unwanted and spammy messages. Enterprise Guardian’s spam blockers will remove around 95% of spam. This allows healthcare providers and patients to safely open emails without worrying about security issues.

Protected Domains

When you use generic domains like Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail, you do not have the same level of protection as you will with a secure email. The Enterprise Guardian team offers secure email hosting that not only protects your private emails but also offers a professional image. You can choose your domain name, whether it is your name or a company title. The secure Enterprise Guardian email domain will allow users to connect their email with all of their applications to streamline communication channels. They can connect calendars, chats, notes, and more.

File Links

Files in large formats are typically too large to be included as email attachments. Instead of uploading the files to an unsecured email or a free online system, use our secure cloud storage. Our cloud system allows medical professionals to upload the attachment and send a secure link via email to the patient or healthcare provider. Cloud storage is password-protected and uses a time expiration feature. This allows healthcare practices to quickly send sizable file attachments to the appropriate recipients.

Leakage Prevention

Secure emails implement data leak prevention tools that will search your email before you send it to identify any sensitive information. If it finds data, such as credit card numbers or addresses, it will notify the sender to verify whether they want to send the message as is or encrypt it. Data loss prevention tools simplify the email process for healthcare providers. They do not have to worry about accidentally missing private information in their email — our system will catch it for them.

Implement Secure Emails in Healthcare Settings

Secure emails are necessary for safeguarding patient information from unauthorized access. At Enterprise Guardian®, we offer modern email security solutions that are quick and easy to implement in your medical practice. Contact our team today to learn how to get started.