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Document Storage, Cloud Backup, and Secure Emails: Keeping Patient Information Safe

Healthcare providers are legally required to protect patient information under laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). At Enterprise Guardian, our user-friendly system provides HIPAA-compliant features to protect your patients’ private information. Our comprehensive system can secure emails, instant messages, video conferences, and more. Here are some of the ways our EnGuard® platform helps keep patient information safe:

Document Storage

Secure digital storage solutions streamline administrative processes, reduce the need for physical storage space, and improve the efficiency of record retrieval and management. At Enterprise Guardian®, we utilize FlashBlade. This advanced file and object storage platform can provide your practice with enough storage for at least 25GB, which is approximately 250,000 emails. Our plans range from 25GB to 100GB of non-volatile memory express (NVMe) flash storage per user.

Cloud storage offers reliable data recovery and replication in case of accidental deletions or disasters. Automatically generated restoration points allow you to recover data efficiently from any data crisis, enhancing the safety of patient information. This service is also scalable, allowing it to grow alongside your healthcare business.

Cloud Backup Services

Cloud backup services provide you with an off-site storage solution for patient data. With Enterprise Guardian’s optional real-time backup services, we can archive all incoming and outgoing messages for as long as you use EnGuard. This feature allows us to find proof of email delivery even after deletion. It can help you verify the timing and content of communications, which is beneficial for resolving potential disputes and making sure patients received their medical information on time. Cloud backup does not require additional time commitment from you, as it works behind the scenes. Your computer files are automatically loaded to the cloud for secure storage.

Secure Emails

Secure emails protect sensitive information, such as patient health records, medical diagnoses, treatment plans, and insurance details, from unauthorized access and interception. EnGuard®’s end-to-end email encryption protects information by password-protecting your healthcare practice’s correspondences. Our system will also automatically scan for sensitive information such as social security numbers and credit card numbers. Emails with this information will be placed in quarantine, giving you a warning with the option to encrypt the message. Recipients can then receive information through protected file links and respond to inquiries securely.

Our system is built with comprehensive anti-spam software that can block over 95% of spam. Anti-virus measures are also included, which automatically update every hour. This process sweeps all of your messages as they arrive, which can prevent malware-infected emails from entering your inbox.

Protect Patient Data With EnGuard

Securing patient data allows healthcare practices to maintain compliance with industry regulations and mitigate the risk of data breaches. At Enterprise Guardian®, we help small and medium-sized practices safeguard their patient data using our HIPAA-compliant platform. Our system incorporates warning messages and easy encryption options, making it accessible to users of varying skill levels. The platform is also compatible with smartphones and tablets for increased convenience and accessibility. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary setup and data migration.