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4 Ways to Protect Patient Information

Healthcare institutions may require several protection channels to safeguard patient information. This includes a HIPAA email, telehealth conferencing, or eChat. At EnGuard, we provide secure, user-friendly platforms for healthcare staff to implement into their daily workflows. Here are a few ways to protect patient information:

1. HIPAA Email

Patient health information (PHI) includes birthdates, addresses, and social security numbers. A HIPAA email helps protect this sensitive information from data breaches. Email security follows specific tactics, including access controls. Here are a few of the methods we use to secure information:

Cloud Storage

We offer cloud storage to remove physical files or flash drives, where items won’t be accidentally misplaced. Those with access to these files can manage large-scale amounts. EnGuard also offers real-time backups, making copies to store and keep secure. In the event of a ransomware attack or data breach, healthcare organizations can quickly recover the information they need.

Data Integrity

Identifying phishing emails is necessary as they may contain malware. They might also contain awkward grammar, misspellings, or suspicious email addresses. Our security services filter over 95% of phishing emails to help reduce the risk of malware attacks. 

Access Control

This feature allows specific individuals to access data and emails. Using a password verifies the user and their identity before they can view any confidential data. There’s also the option to use a two-factor authentication to safeguard PHI.

2. Encryption

Encryption scrambles messages before they are sent, like if a physician contacts another colleague and inserts patient information into the email. Using a complex algorithm, encryption will make all PHI undecipherable to read. The only way to access the email is by using a decryption key.

The transfer of data, moving through the internet or being sent to multiple parties, requires security. Moving through an unsecured network means the risk of interception. End-to-end encryption helps safeguard information and keep it HIPAA compliant while it is in an inbox and traveling through the internet. 

3. Telehealth Platforms

This service allows patients to remain home while discussing their health or coordinating care. Physicians also use this service to share, discuss, and gather health information. Options for communication include live video or phone calls. Some other methods might be remote patient monitoring for real-time data, such as keeping tabs on a patient’s blood pressure. Using online security measures, telehealth is protected from unauthorized access and data sharing.

4. Other Features

Secure file links, instant message services, texting, or group chats allow individuals to communicate safely when using our software. Our video and audio features allow internal users to use any desktop or laptop, as the security software is integrated into the computer system. Other features include data loss prevention and anti-spam systems. At EnGuard, we provide a managed DNS service, which is included free of charge. Our team helps migrate from one service provider to another for free, and it’s done seamlessly with little downtime.

Choose EnGuard for HIPAA Compliant Services

At EnGuard, we protect patient information, colleague communications, and data storage. Healthcare organizations can communicate effectively, whether it’s through telehealth platforms or email services. Contact one of our team members today to learn more about how our software protects sensitive data.